Fall Fertilizing Helps Boost Spring Lawn Growth

Thick wooly sweaters (for dogs and humans!) and a hot thermos of cocoa are perfect tools for keeping comfortable during these cooler months. Our lawns feel the same way with a little shot of nitrogen and potassium combined with a thick layer of early morning dew. Fall fertilizing is a must for a healthy spring … Continued

5 To Dos For Fall Lawn Care

While kids might think the reason for raking leaves is just to make leaf piles for jumping in, Hillside knows that the best way to ensure a thick, green turf in the spring is to lift leaves off your lawn and continue lawn maintenance throughout the fall. Here are the top 5 to dos for … Continued

5 Turf and Tree Tips For August Lawn Care

Hopefully, you’re taking advantage of the last month of summer. Perhaps you’re napping in a hammock, down the ocean with family, at the park picnicking or playing another round of flashlight tag with the kids. The last thing you want to think about is the fall, but now is the time to think about the … Continued

Getting Nutty with Lawn Care and Weed Control

You know about almonds, walnuts, cashews and pecans, but do you know about Nutsedge? It’s not something to eat! It’s an unwanted weed commonly found in Maryland lawns during the summer. The sprouts stand taller than the turf and are hard to get rid of because of their immersive root system. We are offering a … Continued

This entry was posted in fertilizer, Lawn Care, Spring Tips, weeds and tagged , , , .

Beautifying Lawns the Responsible Way

We have kids and pets, just like our customers, in fact, you can see some of our furry friends in our staff bios on our website (Check out Marney, and Boo). That’s why we invest a lot of time researching and training during the off season to find new herbicide products and new methods of … Continued

November Outdoor Chores “To Do List”

The cold weather is sinking its teeth into the Mid-Atlantic area now but, there are still some outdoor chores to do! Your landscape needs some late fall TLC. So, get out your clip board and tack the following “To Do List” to it. These extra steps this fall will ensure a great green spring up: … Continued

This entry was posted in Fall Tips, fertilizer, Lawn Care Tips

Fall Lawn Fertilization Means Thick Spring Green Up

Don’t let the cooler temperatures of autumn fool you. Cool temperatures are best for fertilizing your lawn. By taking advantage of softer soil, cooler temps and tired turf, fall fertilization can penetrate deep down and prepare your grass for a gorgeous spring green up! Your lawn takes a breather after the long hot summer days. … Continued

This entry was posted in Aeration, Fall Tips, fertilizer, Lawn Care Tips, seeding and tagged , .

Drought and Summer Heat: Help Your Lawn Survive

As the heat and dry conditions of the Maryland summer set in, your lawn could be turning brown, but don’t fret. The lawn isn’t dying. Your turf is naturally protecting itself by becoming dormant in extreme drought conditions and high heat temperatures. When temperatures exceed ninety degrees, grass stops growing and goes into conservation mode. … Continued