How We Prepare for Winter

The holidays are here and all thoughts are on holiday gatherings and planning the ultimate New Year’s Eve celebration. But, at Hillside, we are still maintaining our customers’ lawns and preparing for next year’s growing season. Here are four things we do to prepare for winter. Finish Fertilizing. Our main job for the rest of … Continued

A Long Winter’s Nap for Your Lawn Mower

The stockings are hung by the chimney, visions of sugar plums soon will be dancing in your head, but make sure you saved some time for last minute lawn mower maintenance so it can settle in for a long winter’s nap. Last month we encouraged you to give your landscape some late fall TLC. Now … Continued

This entry was posted in Mowing, Winter Tips

Winterizer – last but not least!

As you prepare to pull out your parkas and wool socks, HillSide Lawn Service is preparing your lawn for the long winter ahead! With fall coming to an end, your lawn is receiving our winterizer treatment, which is one of the most important lawn applications of the year. This slow release fertilizer will feed your … Continued

This entry was posted in Winter Tips

Snow Mold on Turf

[fusion_text]Ever wonder if snow on the lawn can cause problems? The answer is yes: it can cause snow mold to grow on the grass blades which dangers the grass plants. It’s not a serious condition but can cause dead and thin areas in the lawn at the worst. HillSide Lawn Service recommends a spring fertilization … Continued

This entry was posted in Winter Tips

Winter Means Time to Lime

One of the best times of year to apply lime to the lawn is in the winter months. This is when the soil is consistently moist allowing the lime to be activated in the soil for a healthy spring pH. It takes about three months for lime to actually move the pH reading so applying … Continued

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Snow as Weed Suppression?

When we were having our training session last week, our manufacturing rep from John Deere Landscapes/ said something that stuck in my mind: “I think the extended snow this season has kept the winter annuals down.” Thats an interesting notion worth considering. Does the snow keep winter weeds from doing well and being less of … Continued

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Worried About the Excessive Snow on the Lawn This Year?

I think it’s safe to say there has been consistent snow coverage on the lawns for most of the 2014 winter. You may be wondering what effect this has on the overall health of the turf. The truth is, snow can damage the grass in several ways. One problem that arises from the road and … Continued

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Start the Year off with a Lime Application

Winter is a good time to apply lime to the turf grass. Since it takes months for the lime to change the pH of the soil, an application in January will improve the pH for the spring and summer growing season. Lime is used annually. We put down a maintenance level to keep the soil’s … Continued

This entry was posted in Winter Tips