Summer Weeds Can be Tenacious to Control

Now that the dandelions, clover and chickweed have all been controlled in the lawn, it’s time to deal with a new host of summer weeds that can be more resistant to weed controls. These summer weeds include: violets, nutsedge, spurge, and purslane. They typically do not emerge until later in the spring into early summer. … Continued

This entry was posted in Summer Tips

Better Check Your Evergreens for Bagworm Caterpillars

If you noticed tear drop shaped pods on you evergreens (and sometimes maples) then you better investigate further to see if they are active insects. These pests are very destructive and can defoliate and kill a tree in one season if left un-treated. They begin feeding on the foliage in June until August at which … Continued

This entry was posted in Summer Tips

Late Summer is a Good Time for Pruning

Now that the landscape plantings are finished their growth spurt for the summer it’s a wise time to prune and shape the shrubs to your specifications. The plants will hold their shape and harden off where they were pruned before the cold weather gets here. Certain plants like azaleas and rhododendrons should be skipped because … Continued

This entry was posted in Summer Tips

Drought Resistant Turf Does Well in Fall

A fall drought can be very challenging for the turf grass manager. The grass already is not growing fast, so drought conditions can make fall turf look dry and brittle. Other factors, like disease spots and traffic patterns can worsen the situation. What to do? Well, a watering program will help for sure, but what … Continued

This entry was posted in Fall Tips

Grub Damage Evident in Early Fall

This is the time of year grub damage shows up in the turf.  We have had fall rains and cool weather which makes the turf flourish and green up.  Areas where grubs have infested and eaten the roots of the lawn will not flourish; rather, these areas will die off turning brown and unsightly.  The … Continued

This entry was posted in Fall Tips

Control Your Winter Weeds in the Fall

There is a crop of weeds that germinate in the fall and grow all winter until early spring when they flower and produce seeds. This group of weeds is called winter annuals and it includes: chickweed, henbit and shepherds purse to name a few. To control these, HillSide applies an application of broadleaf weed control in the … Continued

This entry was posted in Fall Tips

Winter Lawn Fertilization, a Must

Now that the final mowing is done, and most of the leaves are picked up, it’s time to fertilize the lawn for winter. Otherwise known as the winterizer application. Why is this treatment so necessary? Do I really need this if the lawn will not be mowed for months? These are a couple questions you … Continued

This entry was posted in Fall Tips

Start the Year off with a Lime Application

Winter is a good time to apply lime to the turf grass. Since it takes months for the lime to change the pH of the soil, an application in January will improve the pH for the spring and summer growing season. Lime is used annually. We put down a maintenance level to keep the soil’s … Continued

This entry was posted in Winter Tips