Grubs, Beetles, Worms and Scale: Identifying and Treating These Early Summer Pests

A rainy spring sprouted lush and green lawns, trees and shrubs, but the heat of the summer is here and your property needs protection. In the Maryland area, grubs, beetles, bagworms, and scale are the three top insects affecting causing havoc in early summer. It’s important to identify these pesky insects before they cause severe … Continued

How Do You Get Rid of Weeds?

If you search “dandelions” on the internet, you’ll find websites like, “16 Ways to Eat Dandelions,” “Tips for Harvesting Dandelions,” or “Adorable Photos of Baby’s First Dandelion.” When Hillside searches for dandelions, we’re not on the internet, we’re not planning a feast, or snapping adorable photos (our Lawn techs are super friendly but, maybe not … Continued

This entry was posted in Lawn Care Tips, Spring Tips, Weeds

Getting the Right Mix for the Lawn

We always are precise and accurate with our filling procedure for our lawncare trucks. You can rest assured your lawn will get the appropriate mixture of fertilizer and herbicides to make it look its best at all times of year. We are currently applying liquid fertilizer, Pre-emergent crabgrass control and broadleaf weed control. This mixture … Continued

This entry was posted in Lawn Care Tips