There’s Only One Type of Bluegrass We Like

Hillside loves bluegrass music and we are excited for the Charm City Bluegrass Festival next week, but we don’t like all types of bluegrass. Annual bluegrass weeds are our nemesis! This annual, grassy weed — also known as its two most common varietals: Poa Annua and Roughstalk — can fake out a novice lawn care … Continued

This entry was posted in Lawn Care, Spring Tips, Weed Control, Weeds and tagged , , .

Getting Nutty with Lawn Care and Weed Control

You know about almonds, walnuts, cashews and pecans, but do you know about Nutsedge? It’s not something to eat! It’s an unwanted weed commonly found in Maryland lawns during the summer. The sprouts stand taller than the turf and are hard to get rid of because of their immersive root system. We are offering a … Continued

This entry was posted in Fertilizer, Lawn Care, Spring Tips, Weeds

Drought and Summer Heat: Help Your Lawn Survive

As the heat and dry conditions of the Maryland summer set in, your lawn could be turning brown, but don’t fret. The lawn isn’t dying. Your turf is naturally protecting itself by becoming dormant in extreme drought conditions and high heat temperatures. When temperatures exceed ninety degrees, grass stops growing and goes into conservation mode. … Continued

How Do You Get Rid of Weeds?

If you search “dandelions” on the internet, you’ll find websites like, “16 Ways to Eat Dandelions,” “Tips for Harvesting Dandelions,” or “Adorable Photos of Baby’s First Dandelion.” When Hillside searches for dandelions, we’re not on the internet, we’re not planning a feast, or snapping adorable photos (our Lawn techs are super friendly but, maybe not … Continued

This entry was posted in Lawn Care Tips, Spring Tips, Weeds