5 To Dos For Fall Lawn Care

While kids might think the reason for raking leaves is just to make leaf piles for jumping in, Hillside knows that the best way to ensure a thick, green turf in the spring is to lift leaves off your lawn and continue lawn maintenance throughout the fall. Here are the top 5 to dos for … Continued

A Long Winter’s Nap for Your Lawn Mower

The stockings are hung by the chimney, visions of sugar plums soon will be dancing in your head, but make sure you saved some time for last minute lawn mower maintenance so it can settle in for a long winter’s nap. Last month we encouraged you to give your landscape some late fall TLC. Now … Continued

This entry was posted in Mowing, Winter Tips

How To Winterize Your Lawn

The Farmer’s Almanac predicts “above-normal” precipitation in Maryland which means that the region will have a “cold-and-snowy” winter. Whether you believe these predictions or not, it’s important to prepare your lawn for cooler temperatures because a great, green lawn starts in the fall. Winterizing your lawn in the fall will help your lawn green up … Continued

Drought and Summer Heat: Help Your Lawn Survive

As the heat and dry conditions of the Maryland summer set in, your lawn could be turning brown, but don’t fret. The lawn isn’t dying. Your turf is naturally protecting itself by becoming dormant in extreme drought conditions and high heat temperatures. When temperatures exceed ninety degrees, grass stops growing and goes into conservation mode. … Continued