Take the first steps to maintain a healthier lawn with minimal financial impact.
Spring Lawn Application #1
Pre-emergent crabgrass control stops crabgrass before it emerges and becomes invasive in the turf. Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer releases nutrients to your lawn over the course of months instead of weeks. This "spoon feeding" approach thickens turf, reduces disease, and ultimately helps control annual weed populations.
Spring Lawn Application #2
Fertilizer, post-emergent broadleaf weed control and crabgrass control stops broadleaf and grassy weeds, allowing the turf to excel going into the summer. Weeds such as dandelions, clover, and crabgrass are eliminated.
Summer Lawn Application #1
Surface-feeding insect control, spot treatment of grassy and broadleaf weeds keeps insects such as sod webworms, chinch bugs, and billbug grubs from feeding on the foliage in the lawn. Lawns are inspected and treated for stubborn weeds throughout.
Summer Lawn Application #2
Specialty herbicide for grassy and broadleaf weeds is applied to control all weeds that have germinated late or have evaded the spring application.
Fall Application
Fertilizer helping the turf recover from the summer heat and Post-emergent broadleaf control to eliminate fall annual weeds.
*All applications are susceptible to change and adjustments based on recent environmental factors such as temperatures, rainfall, and insect activity.
Fertilizer program is in compliance with MD nutrient management Save the Bay laws.